Steps for troubleshooting:
Did the CNAME work before?
- If you have a CNAME that has functioned for the past year and suddenly stops operating, the issue could be caused by the SSL certificate renewal. It happens automatically by default, but if the DNS record has been altered, the certificate may become inactive or unable to renew automatically. If the certificate has more than one CNAME and one of them is destroyed at some point, the entire certificate will be affected.
In such cases, you need to contact us in order to help you to configure it back again.
- If this is your first time requesting a CNAME, please follow the instructions carefully - we will send to you the relevant DNS Entry or TXT record which you will need to set up in your environment. Our message may look like the example below:
DNS entry for :
Action 1: Please create CNAME _123c91ba9001a45dd4360e060c9184 6a.adzxtj12svo.acm-validations. aws.
Action 2: Please add CNAME token.cloudimg.ioOnce we have confirmed that your CNAME has been put into production, you need to ensure:- Your DNS configuration if the {token} is set as a CNAME record
- If you are using some proxy, you must disable it.
As a quick test, you can browse this URL - {your token} and the following image will appear:
- If you have a CNAME that has functioned for the past year and suddenly stops operating, the issue could be caused by the SSL certificate renewal. It happens automatically by default, but if the DNS record has been altered, the certificate may become inactive or unable to renew automatically. If the certificate has more than one CNAME and one of them is destroyed at some point, the entire certificate will be affected.
If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact our Software Engineer and mention the following details:
- Token
- Short description of the issue (including URLs, screenshot, short video if available)
- Steps to reproduce the issue.
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