You can invite single or multiple users to DAM via their email addresses and control their access levels.
Steps to Invite Users:
1. In DAM HUB, click the settings/gear icon at the top right.
2. Click on "Users" in the side navigation menu.
3. On the Users page, click the "Invite" button.
4. you can enter one or multiple users in the Users tab in the Invite users modal. Please note that you should press [enter] after every email address you want to invite.
5. In the Level dropdown, you can set the access level of those users. In the Access checkbox, you can also invite users to the entire company or certain projects (tokens).
6. Click "Invite" to send the invitation email.
If the invited users do not receive the email, please ask them to check their spam/junk folder.
If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact our Software Engineer and mention the following details:
- Token
- Short description of the issue (including URLs, screenshots, short video if available)
- Steps to reproduce the issue.
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