How to exclude files for optimization?
Keep in mind that those options work in JavaScript mode by design. In backend mode - we use the native WordPress hooks for delivering and skipping files is only allowed by type via a customer support request.
If you are using the JavaScript mode, go to Cloudimage / DMO> Advanced, and you will find two options: Skip classes and Skip files.
If you want to exclude specific images in some places on your website, they are most likely wrapped in specific classes. Find those classes and put them in the field Skip classes and they will be avoided in filtering.
If you want to avoid optimizing specific file types, go to Skip files and put the file types separated by a comma, without dots (for example mp3, svg, etc).
If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact our Software Engineer and mention the following details:
- Token
- Short description of the issue (including URLs, screenshot, short video if available)
- Steps to reproduce the issue.
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