What is Cloudimage / DMORuby wrapper?

Cloudimage / DMO Ruby wrapper allows you to seamlessly interface the Cloudimage / DMO API with your Ruby applications. Images are resized on-the-fly via the Cloudimage / DMO service, thus offering a comprehensive automated image optimization service.

Cloudimage / DMO is the official Ruby API wrapper for Cloudimage's API.


It supports Ruby 2.4 and above, JRuby and TruffleRuby


Cloudimage / DMO Ruby Wrapper: Documentation | Development | Github


NOTE: Your original (master) images have to be stored on a server or storage bucket (S3, Google Cloud, Azure Blob...) reachable over HTTP or HTTPS by Cloudimage / DMO. If you want to store your master images with us, you can check our all-in-one Digital Asset Management solution DAM.

If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact our Software Engineer and mention the following details:

    • Token
    • Short description of the issue (including URLs, screenshot, short video if available)
    • Steps to reproduce the issue.
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