Which mode to set up for my DMO Wordpress plugin?

Once you have completed our WordPress plugin installation, you need to choose the mode, which is suitable for your website. Backend mode and JavaScript mode are available (Backend as default).

We recommend that you use:

  • JavaScript mode, if:
    • you have a static website;
    • you are not using WYSIWYG editors;
    • you don't have too many background images.
  • The backend mode, if:
    • you have a WooCommerce website;
    • you use Elementor;
    • you use a JavaScript-heavy theme;
    • you have a lot of content on each page.


To see the results after completing this step, please save the changes and clear the WordPress cache.

Please note the following:

  • If you're using the backend mode - make sure your images are prefixed with your DMO token in the WordPress Media Library.
  • If you're using the JavaScript mode - check the frontend to see if your <img> tags include the "ci-src" attribute. It usually indicates that our JS plugin is enabled and functioning properly.

    If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact our Software Engineer and mention the following details:

      • Token
      • Short description of the issue (including URLs, screenshot, short video if available)
      • Steps to reproduce the issue.
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