Is there a Cloudimage / DMO solution for the React JS applications?

The Cloudimage / DMO product is available for the React JavaScript applications and it is called React Cloudimage / DMO Responsive.

The Cloudimage / DMOReact plugin is an open-source solution for an easy form of validation with the React JavaScript applications.

The React Cloudimage / DMO Responsive plugin will ease your implementation and it is designed to detect the width of any image container as well as the device pixel ratio density to load the optimal image size needed. Images are resized on-the-fly via the Cloudimage / DMO service, thus offering a comprehensive automated image optimization service.

We have 3 different versions:

React Cloudimage Responsive Demo | Github | Sandbox | Marketplace
React Cloudimage Responsive(Blurhash) Demo | Github | Sandbox | Marketplace
React Cloudimage Responsive(Plain) Demo | Github | Sandbox | Marketplace


For detailed information on this topic and more, please, take a look at the Cloudimage's website and also at GitHub by visiting the links bellow:

Cloudimage / DMO website | GitHub 

NOTE: Your original (master) images have to be stored on a server or storage bucket (S3, Google Cloud, Azure Blob...) reachable over HTTP or HTTPS by Cloudimage. If you want to store your master images with us, you can check our all-in-one Digital Asset Management solution DAM.

If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact our Software Engineer and mention the following details:

    • Token
    • Short description of the issue (including URLs, screenshot, short video if available)
    • Steps to reproduce the issue.
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