How to set up image compression?

Image compression is a type of data compression applied to digital images, to reduce their cost for storage or transmission. Cloudimage . DMO compresses your image using compression filters for faster delivery and loading time.

To set up image compression, please follow below steps:

Step 1 - In the Cloudimage / DMO Admin panel, select Image Settings from the left menu. 

Step 2 - Select Compression.

The various Image Compression settings available are:-

  • "Default JPEG Compression factor":- means the default compression ratio for all you images. It is recommended to give "85" value. Here, "100" value means no compression ie. image will be delivered as it is and "0" value means it will be compressed into zip ie.  
  • "Progressive JPEG" is used for loading a low quality image to fill the container (due to slow networks) while the actual image loads. You can enable or disable this feature.
  • "JPEG ICC profile" :- By default, if the origin image has an embedded ICC profile, the image is converted to the sRGB colour space and the ICC profile is removed from the compressed image.We can automatically convert your profiles to a sRGB profile in order to have a minimum loss of quality and a much lighter file size.

    You may choose not to use the above feature by enabling the checkbox "Keep origin image ICC profile". You can also specify that the ICC profile will only be converted to sRGB if it is larger than XX KBs.

  • "PNG":- PNG Lossy compression is an algorithm designed to reduce the size of your PNGs while keeping visual quality. You can enable this feature by checking the "Enable PNG lossy compression'.
  • "WebP":- WebP is an image format supported by most modern browsers (full list). It achieves better compression than JPEG and is optimized for web delivery. You can read more about it here.
    You have options to activate automatic conversions of all JPG and/or PNG files to WebP file format. Also, to activate automatic conversions of animated GIF files to animated WebP.
  • "SVG": SVG is a vector-based format which is already well compressed. To further optimize those files, you can activate SVG minification below. To force SVG rasterization to PNG or JPG, you can use force_format.
  • "GIF":  Animated GIF lossy compression is an algorithm designed to reduce the size of GIF animated sequences with minimum quality loss. You may choose to enable this feature. It is disabled by default.
  • "Image Metadata": You can decide to keep all the metadata of the origin image in the resized images. Please keep in mind that this could increase the resulting image filesize.

You can read more about advanced image compression features from here 

If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact our Software Engineer and mention the following details:

  • Token
  • Short description of the issue (including URLs, screenshot, short video if available)
  • Steps to reproduce the issue.



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