Do your products support MP4 files ?

Yes, both DAM and Cloudimage/DMO support the delivery and optimization of .mp4 files.

Configuration options vary depending on the product:

Cloudimage /DMO

Cloudimage is able to speed up the delivery and caching of .mp4 files. In order to do this, add func=proxy as a query string parameter to your video URLs:

If you would like to optimise your .mp4 videos, you can use some of the following functions that are available after an initial request for activation sent to the Support team.

Please note that the Cloudimage / DMO plans eligible to use these functionalities are START UP, PRO, ROCKET and ENTERPRISE.


  • Input files are limited to 500 MB, 4K resolution, and a maximum length of 60 seconds.

  • Longer videos will be trimmed, delivering only the first minute.

Video resizing

You can resize your video files, using the w (width) and h (height) parameters:

Automatic cropping is also supported, if width and height are provided:

  • func=crop => resizes but keeps the proportions of the original video
  • func=fit => resizes to fit within a specified width and height
  • func=cropfit => automatically applies Crop or Fit based on the original dimensions and the target size. If the desired video is smaller than the original, the result is cropped to achieve the desired dimensions.
  • func=bound => similar to Fit but without adding padding
  • func=boundmin => resizes a video while bounding the smaller dimension to the desired width or height while keeping proportions. 
  • func=cover => resizes the video to a specified width and height without keeping the original proportions

Applying a background color

The func=fit option supports background color customization:

  • bg_color=XXX => use a hex color code or color name (e.g., "red").
  • bg_img_fit=1 => applies a blurred version of the video as the background.

Video format conversions

The following format conversions are available:

  • format=auto => this is the default function. Automatically chooses the most efficient codec based on platform support (e.g., h265 mp4, vp9 WebM, or h264 mp4).
  • format=mp4
  • format=webm
  • format=h264.mp4
  • format=h265.mp4
  • format=h265.mp4
  • format=vp9.webm 

Setting the video bitrate

bitrate=XXX sets the video compression bitrate in kilobits or megabits per second.


  • bitrate=300k => ranges 10k..20000k are supported
  • bitrate=2m => ranges of 1m..20m are supported



All of the video optimising parameters available for Cloudimage / DMO also work for video files stored in DAM. 

But together with the video-on-the-fly optimisation, DAM offers additional ways how to optimise your files.

Automatic conversion and compression on video upload

Using already optimised video assets is always faster in terms of delivery, than using video-on-the-fly which processes the files in a real-time.

DAM allows you to set automatic post-processes for video conversion, compression and transcoding.

Video editing 

You can configure scripts for automated video editing, including:

  • Chapters
  • Combining 2 videos together
  • Compression
  • Conversion
  • Audio Extraction
  • Slow motion
  • Subtitles
  • Transcoding
  • Trimming

AI Video classification

Enhance your videos using AI algorithms with features such as:

  • Face detection
  • Video to text => generating descriptions based on video content

If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact our Software Support team and mention the following details:

  • Token
  • Short description of the issue (including URLs, screenshot, short video if available)
  • Steps to reproduce the issue.


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