How to setup fallback image format ?

In Cloudimage / DMO and DAM, you can decide in which format (WEBP, JPEG, PNG) to deliver your images using the URL parameter "force_format="

Your images could also be delivered in AVIF format, in case V7 is implemented, which allows better compression. This feature could be activated upon contacting our support team. It provides synchronous or asynchronous delivery.

There might be scenarios where your system or browser might not support the image format delivered.
Here, the image will be delivered to the client in "webp" format, but some browsers do not support webp format.

For the above scenario, you can have fallback image formats by giving multiple comma-separated image formats in "force_format=".
Here first .webp will be tried, if not acceptable then .jpeg, if not acceptable then .png.

The idea is that if the first format is not acceptable, then it will fallback to the next format, and so on. 

Note that the function force_format= is only supported in Cloudimage / DMO v7 and cannot be used with URLs created with the legacy Cloudimage / DMO v6 syntax.

If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact our Software Engineer and mention the following details:

  • Token
  • Short description of the issue (including URLs, screenshot, short video if available)
  • Steps to reproduce the issue.
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