How to use Cloudimage Wordpress plugin with Oxygen?

What is Oxygen theme?

Oxygen is a WooCommerce theme built exclusively for online shopping and offers a great variety of options to customize the look and feel of the theme via the theme options panel. It's a visual editor plugin with a WYSIWYG interface.


With the Cloudimage WordPress Plugin, you can edit, resize, optimise, compress, and distribute your media instantly through CDN to any device. Oxygen may be configured to work with Cloudimage.

After activating the plugin, Cloudimage will process all standard pictures that were not made by Oxygen. You must follow the procedures below to process the Oxygen-generated images with Cloudimage:

  • Set Cloudimage WP plugin to work in Standard mode (see below picture). In that way, the plugin will find your WP Media Library and it will prefix all images inside it with the Cloudimage token.

    An image from your Media Library, processed by Cloudimage Standard mode:nj.png

  • Then you need to go to the Oxygen settings (Templates and Block Library) -> In that place, Oxygen generates the image content for your website elements.
  • Open any item inside (below is an example with a template that contains several images).
  • Find the Media elements and map them to the corresponding image location in the WP Media Library:
  • In that way, Oxygen will take the Cloudimage URLs and apply them to its page elements.

Initially, configuring all available elements would take some time, but after that, you can use the approach directly every time you create a new Template for a new page element.


If you face any issues implementing the Cloudimage WordPress Plugin, please contact our Support team and  provide the following information:

  • Your token
  • A short description of your issue
  • Website URL 
  • Temporary Access to WordPress Admin


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