How to search by Tags in Filerobot DAM?

As part of your regular use of Filerobot DAM, you may need to review a single or more document. In this case, we recommend that you retrieve your document(s) using "search by tags," which can be handled in the following ways:

1. via Filerobot Asset Hub

2. via our API


Follow the steps below to perform a tag-based search using Filerobot Asset Hub:

1. Login to Filerobot Asset Hub.

2. In the search bar, write the tag name by which you want to search an image prepended by the # symbol.

For instance, if you wish to find an image with the tag Cloud, you would put #Cloud into the search field.




Follow the steps outlined below to perform a tag-based API search:

1. Run the following query.

curl --request GET \
--url '
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Filerobot-Key: ADD YOUR API-KEY'

You must encode the symbol "#" with the prefix "# (%23)". (ex.#Your_Tag_Name translates to %23Your_Tag_Name) when encoded, which should be passed as a parameter q=%23Your_Tag_Name.

2. Enter your filerobot token in place of TOKEN.

3. Enter your API-KEY in place of ADD YOUR API-KEY.

FYI - q is a string -search pattern matching the tag name.


For example, if the name of your tag is Cloud. Then your question should read:

curl --request GET \
--url '
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Filerobot-Key: ADD YOUR API-KEY'


Here, Your_Tag_Name is Cloud. Hence #Cloud translates to %23Cloud) and this should be passed as a parameter q=%23Cloud.

1. Enter your filerobot token in place of TOKEN.

2. Enter your API-KEY in place of ADD YOUR API-KEY.

FYI - q is a string -search pattern matching the tag name.


If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact our Software Engineer and mention the following details:

  • Token
  • Short description of the issue (including URLs, screenshot, short video if available)
  • Steps to reproduce the issue.
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