Can we search by filename in Filerobot?

Filerobot is an AI-powered Digital Asset Management (DAM) platform with integrated image and video optimizers to store, organize and accelerate media galleries online. It has advanced search capabilities and you can search with exact filename.


To search in HUB or FMAW you need to enter '@'  which will open the advance search dropdown and you need to select filename from it and then enter the exact file name you want to search (including the extension)

Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 1.48.00 PM.png


To search using API you need to use the search parameter (&q=) in the GET 'List & Search API' followed byfilename:"Name you want to search".Example: &q=filename:%22boy.jpeg%22

You can find more details in our documentation.

If you have any questions or face any issues feel free to contact our friendly support team at mentioning your:

  • Token
  • Use case in short
  • Steps for reproduction of the issue (if you are facing any).




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