Can I deliver my media assets in China?

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Scaleflex Media Optimization solutions integrate CDN, which helps you avoid congestion at The Great Firewall of China, which slows down all traffic into China.

How to accelerate in China?

  • Option 1 - Near-China Acceleration

This solution does not require any Chinese Licenses and allows you to benefit from all our Points of Presence (CDN PoPs) surrounding China.

  • Option 2 - Mainland-China Acceleration

This solution requires you to own the Chinese Licenses called ICP and PSB BeiAn.

You will then have access to our 400+ CDN PoP located in mainland China.

  • Option 3 - China Virtual Private Line

This solution does not require any Chinese Licenses and gets your content accelerated to your Chinese audience via an MPLS line alternative from Japan or Hong Kong to China.

If you want to learn more about the Scaleflex China Acceleration Service, get in touch with our Sales team

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