What should I do if I encounter 'No SSL connection' issue?

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In general, you should come up with this issue if you only use a CNAME, and this means using a custom name instead of {token}.cloudimg.io.

When using the CNAME with Cloudimage/ DMO, DAM solutions, always ensure that you've gone through the following steps:

  1. Could you double-check with our team for confirmation that the CNAME is activated for your account and that the SSL Certificate is issued?
  2. Please make sure you always use the https:// protocols connections on your requests. 

For example https://img.cname.com/v7/https://sample.li/eiffel.jpg?h=500&wat=1&wat_opacity=0.7 

  This service is only available for Cloudimage PRO plans and more.

If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact our Software Engineer and mention the following details:

  • Token
  • Short description of the issue (including URLs, screenshots, short video if available)
  • Steps to reproduce the issue.



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