Can I use Cloudimage in Shopify Stores?

Yes, Clouimage service can also be used in your Shopify stores.

Cloudimage is able to compress and accelerate images off of Shopify sites, even if they carry their own CDN. Cloudimage can be easily implemented in Shopify by following our Shopify tutorial.

For additional information on this topic and more, please take a look at FAQs and marketplace by visiting the links below  :

 Frequently Asked Questions | Marketplace

Please note: To implement and troubleshoot issues on Shopify, we might need access to your Shop. You can read more about providing access from Shopify Help Center

If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact our Software Engineer and mention the following details:

    • Token
    • Short description of the issue (including URLs, screenshot, short video if available)
    • Steps to reproduce the issue.





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