How can I change the owner of my Cloudimage account?

It may happen that time to time you have to change the ownership of your account. This may be relevant if you want to change your personal email address by your business email address, or the person in charge of the account is promoted to another role or leaving the business or any other reason which may require this change to be made.


Please follow these steps:

Step-1 - In the Cloudimage Admin panel, you can see which email address is the main owner of your account. Example:



Step-2 - Prior to request the change of ownership and as a mandatory step, you need to ensure that all users have been created in the console and that they are "active" by validating their registration. If the future owner is missing, then press the button "Invite" and send an Invitation. When the invitation is accepted, then you can proceed with the next step.


Step-3 - The Owner of the account has an option to Edit and Delete other users. Click on the Edit button next to the User that you would like to promote to new Owner and choose his new role:


This action will promote the user to Owner of the company account and will downgrade the old Owner to an Administrator. This action can only be reverted by the new Owner.


If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact our Software Engineer and mention the following details:

    • Token
    • Short description of the issue (including URLs, screenshot, short video if available)
    • Steps to reproduce the issue.
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